BUFFALO COTN *(785) 204-2043*
Taking care of our neighbors makes for a stronger community. Looking out for one another ensures a safer and happier neighborhood. When we all do a little, we can do so much!
The city and the church will be teaming up to bring you eggs, snacks, crafts, and fun the Saturday before Easter. Bring the kids and a smile and we'll do the rest. We kook forward to seeing you all there!
The 2nd Sunday after the morning service is our monthly prayer service. Join us as we come together in prayer to lift up our needs before the Lord. It is a time of seeking the face of our Lord and asking for His divine intervention in our homes, our church, our community, and our nation. Everyone is welcome to attend this important time in the life of our church.
3/16 - Job 1-2,
3/17 - Job 3-4,
3/18 - Job 5-7,
3/19 - Job 8-10,
3/20 - Job 11-13,
3/21 - Job 14-16,
3/22 - Job 17-19,
3/23 - Job 20-21,
3/24 - Job 22-24,
3/25 - Job 25-27,
3/26 - Job 28-29,
3/27 - Job 30-31,
3/28 - Job 32-33,
3/29 - Job 34-35,
3/30 - Job 36-37,
3/31 - Job 38-40.
Reaching Up
Sunday April 13th after the morning service
Dealing Discipleship Bible Study
Dealing Discipleship will be finding a new day. This will be moving to an online format, so stay tuned.
Friendly Fellowship Feeding Frenzyl
Our next feeding frenzy will be on Saturday April19th during the Easter Egg Hunt.
Sunday April 6th after the morning service.
Surviving the Holidays -
Losing a loved one is hard, and the holidays can be even more difficult. This is a safe place for support and healing that equips you with support and resource to navigate this difficult season.
Contact us for ongoing help dealing with loss. You are not alone in this.
Buffalo Church of the Nazarene
205 N Main Buffalo, KS 66717
Pastor: Rev. Art Black
Phone: 785-204-2043
Email: buffalocotn@gmail.com
Web Page: buffalocotn.org
Facebook: @Buffalo Church of the Nazarene
Question: Has church services and activities returned to normal?
Answer: Yes. The church still takes the necessary steps to keep everyone safe while returning to our faithful ministry to our community. We look forward to serving you.
The Church exists to show and proclaim Christ and His love to the world through the making of disciples in our homes and our community. We want to convey and portray holiness in the entire life of the church, both public and private, by continually seeking to move closer to Christ and His likeness.
The Buffalo Church of the Nazarene believes that everyone is either a believer in Christ, or a potential believer in Christ, because Christ came that the world might be saved through Him. As such, our doors and arms are open to everyone. We believe in Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection, and seek to grow in Him fully until the day of His returning. We strive to grow in His grace that He may use us to reveal Himself in our homes, our church, and our community. We are seeking His sanctifying work, believing in His strengthening promise, growing in His Holy Word, and showing His eternal love to the world.
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.